Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Super Affiliate Tips: Super Affiliate only use good sales page-Part 7

Super affiliate marketing tips. This is the continuation of the series that I started. Today, I willbe talking on another super affiliate marketing tactics that makes them super. They use only good sales page! Enjoy.


Super Affiliates Only Use Excellent Sales Pages

If a picture paints a thousand words then your words can paint a thousand pictures.
Now true enough, there are many affiliate programs that use state of the art sales letters; i.e. when people go click on the site via your affiliate link, many of them will buy. BUT…. There are other a couple of other possible scenarios that happen. Once you learn about these, you can nip them in the bud and resolve to get even more affiliate sales.
First, not all affiliate programs have great sales letters.
Second, others do have great sales letters, but they seem a little repetitive or hide the ordering and price information dozens of screens away - when the product is so good many people just want to buy – but in reality they get bored and click away!
So deal with the first problem. Get better copy to make more sales.
And to deal with the second problem, get shorter “Buy It Now!” copy to make more sales.
But, I hear you saying, “It’s their copy, what can I do about it?”
Well the solution to both problems is Pre-sell The Affiliate Product Yourself!!!
And here’s how. Create your own Pre-sell Affiliate Product Sales Page and end it with your affiliate sales link.
You can take all the best sales copy bits from the products sales page, add your own sales copy (or get someone to do this for you) and have your affiliate order link on the page. Make sure you pretty much cover these main areas in your sales copy for maximum sales potential:

1. Capture Attention with a Great Headline – Study headlines that draw your attention. Check popular ones in newspapers and online articles today that make you “click” and want to read more. Then jot down a bunch of possible titles that focus around the main benefit offered by your product and select the best one for your sales page. (You can always test clicks and try another title later, too).

2. Interest & Desire – Develop interest by telling a short story about how your product helped someone – you! Paint a picture with your words. And create desire for your reader. Tell them “What’s in it for you?” Then list complete bulleted reasons of exactly what time your product will save them, how much work, etc.

3. Testimonials / Proof – Include short blurbs from client feedback about how they enjoyed using the product. Many of these should already be on the affiliate site for you to use in your material.

4. Call to Action – Ask for the sale. Tell you reader exactly what to do and close the sale.

There are many educational copywriting books and courses out there from sales pros to help you create super sales letters. So if you need help, start with the public library and online articles for more helpful tips. Successful copywriting is essential to become a super affiliate.
“Have You Thought Of This” Tip
Promote your affiliate product by coming up with a new idea of how you can use it in a different way… people love that and will buy it just to try your new method of use. They want to know even more reasons to buy it.
Simon Hodgkinson says this method works like “Gang Busters” ;-)

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